We inform our kind customers that the Grand Hotel Arenzano is closed for the Christmas period.
We are waiting for you from 25/01/2025.
For information please send an e-mail to caporicevimento@gharenzano.it.
See you soon!


Unmissable destination

The city, easily accessible from our hotel, is a destination not to be missed.
Cristopher Columbus, Giuseppe Mazzini (a XIX century Italian patriot)
and Goffredo Mameli (the composer of the Italian national anthem),
among others, were born in this historical city full of landmarks and monuments.
The most iconic ones being the Lanterna - an old 384-feet (117-meter) lighthouse -,
the fountain in Piazza de Ferrari (de Ferrari Square),
the old town centre with its maze of little squares,
‘creuze’ (a word in the local dialect identifying steep paths)
and carruggi (another local term, this time for the narrow alleys in the historical centre),
the stunning aquarium, the Strade Nuove (literally ‘new streets’)
and Palazzi dei Rolli (Rolli Palaces), the Cattedrale di San Lorenzo (San Lorenzo Cathedral)
and the Galata, the wonderful sea museum.
But do try to also see Palazzo Reale (Royal Palace), the church of Santa Maria Assunta,
Porta Soprana (Soprana Gate), the Staglieno cemetery,
and more churches (San Carlo, del Gesù, San Siro, San Donato).

And enjoy the delicious specialities of the area, primarily pesto (a basil sauce),
focaccia (a flat oven-baked bread product), torta pasqualina (a quiche filled with vegetables)
and superb fish and seafood dishes.